Once at the hotel, we walked around the downtown area. There are a hundred people selling things on the side of the street making for a colorful tapestry as you walk along. The traffic here is just as I remember it in Beijing 6 years ago - crazy as bicycles, cars and pedestrians vie for the right of way. We stopped along the way for lunch (do you know how handy it is to have a son and a daughter who speak Chinese?) It was delicious and cost just a couple of dollars a piece. We continued on and went into the Children's Park. It is a mixture of an old amusement park and walking area. Not very crowded - you just pay as you go. The girls were laughing on the merry go round and the octopus and swings. But it was the bumper cars where we were all just laughing and couldn't stop. We walked by many groups of older men playing cards or go and then the two girls were hanging on parallel bars and flipping around. Anna was really good - Guohua was trying to keep up climbing up on them too.
By the time we got home, we were seeing lots of smiles. Anna is in little sister heaven - she just plops in Guohua's lap and hugs her telling her that she loves her. The two of them were playing hide and seek in the hotel room and tackling and tickling. Guohua mixed us up dinner (some type of Ramen noodles in a bowl we got at the store) and seems to be doing well. It is just so amazing to take the first steps into family. I'll put up a few of these pictures if I can convince Eric he can part with his intellectual property!
This is Eric's friend Anna - tell him from me to give you those pictures! This sounds like such an amazing experience for all of you and it's been a pleasure to read. Best of luck on the rest of your trip.
WE are so thrilled that all is going well!!! We will continue to lift you up in our prayers!!!!
Since the only way Gail can get all the emotion (delight, tears, etc.) out is in sign, I'll type a little note to say that we are so looking forward to meeting GuoHua and are praying you all the way home.
Wow, marvelous soon meet-you happy!
Lincoln & Gail
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