We are staying in the White Swan hotel, used by so many adopting families that it has been dubbed the White Stork. We haven’t stayed here before but we are loving it. The breakfast is very good, there is a waterfall in the lobby, there are two pools - one right on the river. At night everything is lit up on the river - just beautiful. Guohua is curious about all the ‘foreigners and babies here”. Her orphanage really did not have may children adopted out - she seems pretty surprised.
The location on Shamian Island is really nice. We just walk a block a we are in the middle of a beautiful park-like area where people are out playing badminton and shuttlecock and lighting lanterns. Stores are open late for browsing as well. It’s really peaceful and quiet after the downtown of Harbin. We did buy a couple of shuttlecocks - Eric has gotten pretty good with it over the summer and Guohua can hold her own. Anna and Guohua ended up throwing two at a time at Eric. They had a great time. Course, Guohua continually threw hers up in a tree. Amazingly, mom was right, it did get stuck up there and no she could not shake it out of a tree with a 2 foot wide trunk :-)
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