Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Now the fun begins

Little by little we are discovering a little bit about this child who is now part of our family.  She is a bit mischievous teasing and playing with Anna.  She is trying her best to helpful - orders all our food for us at the restaurants, makes sure the cab knows where to go (though fortunately Eric is there to catch her mistakes).  I've gotten bunches of "Moms" and a few spontaneous hugs.  She was prancing around in the clothes we brought and pretending to smoke Pocky (stick confection).  She blew bubbles in the park and was excited to put her feet in the river.  She bounces around our room chasing Anna and is quite protective of her when we are out - they walk holding hands everywhere.   She is just starting to try English a little;  She definitely has a sweet tooth.

And there are the curious things.  She walks really fast while we are trying to meander through the town taking in the sights, she bought a pair of sneakers that I am fairly certain are too small, she says she doesn't need socks, she worried needlessly about the rain that never came and thought we should go back to the hotel.  She washed all her clothes and hung them to dry then washes her feet every chance she gets.  She watches TV that I find a bit bizarre - Chinese graphic historical shows that are overlaid with slapstick.

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